Number | "20245662 |
Type of message | information |
Date of first message | 24.07.2024 |
Announcement was made by | Austria (AT) |
Description | Unauthorized pesticides in rice from Pakistan |
Product category | cereals and bakery products |
Article | rice |
Hazard | acetamiprid, clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam |
Country of origin | Pakistan |
Distribution | Austria, INFOSAN |
Quantity (market) | No data available |
Investigation results | acetamiprid: 0.017±0.009 mg/kg - ppm, 0.020±0.010 mg/kg - ppm, 0.035±0.018 mg/kg - ppm, 0.037±0.019 mg/kg - ppm; clothianidin: 0.011 mg/kg - ppm, 0.012 mg/kg - ppm, 0.021 mg/kg - ppm, 0.024 mg/kg - ppm; imidacloprid : 0.039±0.020 mg/kg - ppm, 0.042±0.021 mg/kg - ppm, 0.042±0.021 mg/kg - ppm, 0.047±0.024 mg/kg - ppm; thiamethoxam: 0.019±0.010 mg/kg - ppm, 0.021±0.011 mg/kg - ppm, 0.016±0.008 mg/kg - ppm |
Remarks | official control on the market - distribution restricted to notifying country - prohibition to trade - sales ban - return to consignor |
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