Number | "20246716 |
Type of message | information |
Date of first message | 06.09.2024 |
Announcement was made by | Spain (ES) |
Description | Chlorfenapyr and procymidone in dried chili peppers from China |
Product category | herbs and spices |
Article | dried chilli peppers |
Hazard | chlorfenapyr, procymidone |
Country of origin | China |
Distribution | INFOSAN, Spain |
Quantity (market) | No data available |
Investigation results | chlorfenapyr: 0,256 ± 0,128 mg/kg - ppm, procymidone: 0,218 ± 0,109 mg/kg - ppm |
Remarks | border control - consignment released - distribution restricted to notifying country - informing authorities |
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