AGES english AGES; the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety
allergenbureau Allergen Bureau Australia
BfR english Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany
BMEL english Federal Minstery of Food and Agriculture, Germany
BMJV english Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Germany
BMNT english Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT)
Codex Alimentarius Overview Codex Alimentarius
CVUA Aktuelle Meldungen der Untersuchungsämter für Lebensmittelüberwachung und Tiergesundheit aus Baden Württemberg
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
EU - Food Fraud Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality
EU - Food Safety Ensuring safe food from farm to fork
EU - Pesticides database Datenbank EU Pestizide
EU - RASFF (Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety
EUR-Lex Zugang zu Rechtstexten in der EU
Food Authenticity A Virtual Network for Food Authenticity Analysis
Food Federation Food Federation, Germany (former "BLL")
Food Fraud and Quality Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality and Food Fraud Monthly Reports
Food Navigator Freier Zugang zu Nachrichten über Lebensmittelwissenschaft
FoodIngredientsFirst Newsletter on Food Food Ingredients
GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative
IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) IFPRI’s vision is a world free of hunger and malnutrition
ISO 31000 Risikomanagement - Allgemeine Anleitung zu den Grundsätzen und zur Implementierung
KIN Food Safety Institute KIN Akademie - Product Development Center - Accreditited Laboratory
Lebensmittelwarnungen (BMELV) Das Portal der Bundesländer: Warnungen und Informationen für die Öffentlichkeit
Max Rubner-Institut english Research for healthy and tasty eating, Germany
Monthly Summary of Articles on Food Fraud and Adulteration Food authenticity and quality
Organic Farming Information System on Organic Farming, Germany
RASFF - Managing Risks - Protecting Consumers Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Germany
RASFF Annual Report, Info Graph and Publications 2021 Link to annual reports of the official site
RASFF Portal Abfrage zu RASFF Meldungen
Transparency International Deutschland e.V. english Corruption Perception Index (CPI)
U.S. Food and Drug Administration official website of the United States government
Untersuchungsämter Aktuelle Meldungen zur Lebensmittelsicherheit aus den Untersuchungsämtern Baden Württemberg
WHO Food Safety World Health Organization - Weltgesundheitsorganisation
World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Index (GCI)

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